Metal & Materials

For producers of steel, paper, concrete and glass, staying competitive is about more than just growing your business.

In some cases, it’s about stayinginbusiness. As foreign providers threaten your market share, the seduction of a lower initial cost can lead you to pursue vendor relationships that prevent you from optimizing your supply chain. If you’re only focusing on price-point savings you’re limiting your ability to stay productive and competitive.

Finding an innovative supplier that provides a deep and diverse product offering can help you find production improvement and cost savings opportunities while also preventing the hassles and variations in quality that multiple vendors can bring.

Free yourself up to focus more on your business goals: efficiently produce enough high-quality products to compete in a crowded marketplace while meeting demands in a work environment that maximizes safety.

One solution. Multiple savings advantages.

Supply-chain assurances of quality and efficiency bring savings while raising the bar for your production schedules. Our unique stance as a single-source provider for all your industrial gas, welding and safety needs is backed by an unrivaled network of more than 1,400 locations, expert account managers, industry specialists, a dedicated telesales team and a robust eProcurement platform. Our total approach provides:

We help you streamline your supply chain into shape using a smart, total approach that includes site survey and assessment, transition management, and entry-level or onsite total gas management. The data-driven approach of our expert account managers, industry specialists and dedicated telesales teams help you lower labor costs and prevents excessive usage, saving you time and money.

Initial product savings? We can help you to lower your cost per ton and increase total output.


Ignite productivity with a system made just for you

Lower your cost per ton with customized combustion equipment from Airgas.

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Supply Chain Solutions

Get visibility, control and savings

Are you ready? Improve your procurement process, gain visibility and control of inventory, increase safety and productivity, and lower your overall costs.

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Water Treatment

Control pH levels more safely with clean CO2

Effectively treat your process water with an acid-free solution from one of the nation's leading CO2providers.

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