Airgas, an Air Liquide Company, supplies industrial gases in bulk for customers whose businesses require large volumes of gases. We supply oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, argon, carbon dioxide and many other gases from large-scale production facilities throughout the U.S. Our delivery modes include both trucks and rail cars, ensuring continual and reliable supply of industrial gas to our customers.

Why choose us

If your operations require a flow of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, hydrogen or helium in volumes exceeding 100,000 scf per month, our bulk distribution and storage solutions can meet your needs.

The industrial gases industry is growing and changing, and with that comes increased expectations from your customers relating to product quality, innovation, and continual cost competitiveness. Our focus is on how make and deliver your industrial gases in the most efficient, effective and safest way possible–allowing you to continually meet the changing needs of your customers.

Our gases specialists will analyze and improve on your current delivery processes, and work with you to design gas delivery systems that are optimized for your specific requirements. We’ll explain how to combine the latest and most innovative industrial gas technologies with the ways you already use industrial gases in your business–at the lowest cost.

Our expertise extends to the installation, maintenance and monitoring of your liquefied gas storage systems. We offer safe and reliable bulk supply systems in a range of sizes and flow capacities to meet the needs of many industries; thereby eliminating the risk and cost of interruptions to your industrial gas supply.

Products will be delivered in bulk and off-loaded into cryogenic storage tanks or supplied via gaseous tube trailer at your facility. Our telemetry system allows our service teams to continuously monitor the storage levels of your tanks from a distance and schedule deliveries when they’re needed–providing you with an uninterrupted supply of the gases you need, so you can focus on your core business.

Dedicated equipment and services

Depending on your needs, Airgas' bulk supply offer extends to a range of on-site services:

  • Detailed process analysis and gas optimization design
  • Telemetry
  • Rental of related equipment, including storage vessels
  • Equipment installation, inspection, preventative maintenance, and repair
  • Gas sensor calibration
  • Safety awareness training
  • Certificates of Analysis (COA)