Gas Supply Modes

Several on-site bulk tanks, part of an Airgas air separation unit, are an example of the Airgas' multiple supply modes for gases via a robust supply chain and large US footprint. Several on-site bulk tanks, part of an Airgas air separation unit, are an example of the Airgas' multiple supply modes for gases via a robust supply chain and large US footprint. Several on-site bulk tanks, part of an Airgas air separation unit, are an example of the Airgas' multiple supply modes for gases via a robust supply chain and large US footprint.
Get the right amount of gas, when and where you need it.

Flexible and reliable gas supply to match any need

Contact an Expert

Having the right amount of gas is critical to your process, your schedule and your budget. Gas runouts disrupt production and can negatively impact your bottom line. Depend on Airgas, with over 40 years of gas expertise in designing, recommending and reliably delivering gas in a variety of cost-effective supply and packaging options. No matter the application or how much your gas consumption may fluctuate, our comprehensive supply mode portfolio is flexible and positioned to get you the gas molecules you need, when you need them.

Airgas supply mode comparison illustration.

Packaged Gas

  • For small to medium volumes
  • Cylindersfor compressed gas
  • Dewarsfor liquid form
  • Available in packs for larger consumption
  • Innovative cylinder valve technologies
  • Improve gas management with digitized logistics and gas content monitoring.

MicroBulk and Bulk

  • For large volume consumption:MicroBulkup to 125,000 SCF/month;bulkexceeding 125,000 SCF/month
  • Liquid form by tanker
  • For cryogenic applications
  • Proprietaryon-site mixers
  • Improve gas management with digitized logistics and telemetry systems

FLOXALOn-site Gas Generation

  • For large volumes from 8,000 to 380,000 SCFH
  • On-site at your facility even in remote locations
  • Available fornitrogen,oxygenandhydrogen

Take advantage of our robust supply chain—from molecule production to delivery

Airgas’ comprehensive supply chain and unrivaled national footprint ensures you have the gases and supplies you need. Our extensive supply chain network minimizes risks and reliably provides gas products and services via more than 1,400 US locations and delivered by one of the industry’s largest truck fleets—all backed by the global support of Air Liquide.

  • Air Separation Units (ASUs)
  • Fill plants and production sites
  • Specialty gas labs
  • Retail branches
  • CO2/dry ice plants
  • Global R+D centers
ASUs compress, liquify and distill air to separate it from its various components to provide nitrogen, oxygen and rare gases like argon, neon, krypton and xenon. Learn more now.

Deliver gas safely to your point of use with equipment expertise Deliver Gas Safely T o y our point of use with equipment expe r tise
Streamline Your Supply Chain. Get visibility, control and savings. Streamline Your Supply Chain Get visibility, control and savings
Get Safety Beyond Products. Safety expertise and products, and PPE Get Safety B e y ond P r oducts Sa f ety expe r tise AND products and PPE