Process Water Treatment

Safer, more cost-effective pH control for process water treatment

From Airgas, an Air Liquide company

Contact an expert today to get started.

Eliminate the risks of mineral acid-based systems used for pH control of process water

Delivering process solutions that lower operating costs while creating safer site conditions and improving your environmental footprint is important to you and your team. If your current pH adjustment system is using minerals or a strong acid like sulfuric acid, you can now consider an alternative, more eco-friendly process water treatment using carbon dioxide.

Safer, more cost-effective pH control for process water treatment

From Airgas, an Air Liquide company

Contact an expert today to get started.

What are your challenges?

CO 2for pH Control in Process Water and Wastewater Treatment
Access the White Paper

Carbon dioxide: the safer and more eco friendly alternative

A smart choice for pH adjustment and scale control in process water

The Airgas offer is an all-in-one gas solution using carbon dioxide (CO2) for pH and scale control in process water treatment, without the use of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids.

  • Process water and wastewater pH control
  • Post cold lime softening pH and scale control
  • pH adjustment to reduce clarification chemical dosage
  • Reverse osmosis pH and scale control
  • Cooling water pH and scale control

With the full support of our water treatment experts, you begin with an audit of your current process and pH control system. After assessment, our experts will help you develop preliminary system designs — with the best supply modes and optimal injection methodologies — that can safely and efficiently meet your needs. This turnkey experience can include full implementation including commissioning, training and monitoring.

A water processing plant
CO 2for pH Control in Process Water and Wastewater Treatment
Access the White Paper

CO2Supply Modes

Process or Wastewater Pipeline
Storage Tank/Lagoon
Lagoon Sidestream

CO2Injection Methodologies

Lagoon Sidestream

Get started with a safer, more cost-effective approach today.

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Hear from one of our experts

Water scarcity and environmental concerns demand a safe and cost-effective approach to treat both process water and wastewater.

Ken Krawczyk,Director — Chemicals, Environment and Technical Solutions

Complete theformformand talk to an Airgas expert today to learn more about how we can help.

“Water scarcity and environmental concerns demand a safe and cost-effective approach to treat both process water and wastewater. From gas storage, system design and piping to flow controls, CO2and related storage, Airgas can help you lower costs, improve operations and increase safety.”

Get everything you need to control pH and scale in your process water

A safe, reliable supplyof carbon dioxide for pH adjustment and scale in a variety ofinnovative supply modes

Preliminary and detailed solution design and engineering,installation, testing and commissioning of turnkey pH control systems, plus safety and operational training

Equipment solutions,including gas cabinets and a wide range of CO2 injectors to fit many configurations and flowrates, plus welding and gas handling equipment. Complete theformformabove for more information

Get visibility, control and savingswith supply chain solutions includingEZ-GAZ™digital gas monitoring service so you always know how much gas you have in your cylinder and when you need more

A complete portfolio ofsafety solutionsfrom 60+ QSSP- and OSHA 30-certified specialists and a full line ofsafety products and PPEto keep you protected as you work